We prepare for all kinds of important life transitions … starting a family, a first home, college. Why not the transitions toward the end of our lives?
These conversations can be awkward and uncomfortable, or they can also be joyful and life-giving. In a first-ever workshop of its kind at Holy Trinity, we have invited local experts to join Pastors Jeff and Rich in leading a workshop to help us plan for these important transitions at the end of life.
If you are interested in planning ahead, are currently going through end of life decisions with a loved one, or are facing the end of life yourself, this workshop is for you.
We can accommodate the first 120 registrants and we are opening up registration to Holy Trinity members first starting Sunday, August 18. Registration opens to the general public on September 16. A suggested donation of $5 is payable at the door. Join us for this conversation on Saturday, October 19, from 8:30am – 1:00pm.
For more information or to register, click on or scan the QR code on this page or call the church office at 716-886-2400.