
You are invited to worship at Holy Trinity as we experience the events of the last day’s of Jesus’ life. Holy Week begins with the celebration of Palm Sunday; the last supper  and call to service on Maundy Thursday, the darkness and anticipation of Good Friday, and Jesus resurrection on Easter Sunday. Dates, times and worship details are listed below. If you cannot worship with us in person, these services will be live streamed on our website (www.holytrinitybuffalo.org) and on our Facebook page (www.faceook.com/holytrinitybuffalo).

If you wonder if you would be welcome at Holy Trinity, the answer is “yes”. See our statement of welcome here. If you have questions, please contact our church office at info@holytrinitybuffalo.org.

Holy Week

3/24 Palm Sunday Worship at 8:30am* and 10:30am*

3/28 Maundy Thursday Worship at 12:00pm and 7:00pm*

3/29 Good Friday Worship at 12:00pm and 7:00pm*

Easter Sunday

8:30am Easter Sunday Worship Service in the Mansperger Chapel*

9:00am – 10:30am Easter Breakfast

9:45am Pre-Service Music with the Holy Trinity Chancel Choir and Guest Instrumentalists*
10:30am Festival Worship Service*

* Services with an asterisk will be live streamed on the church’s website and Facebook page.