Stewardship is a Way of Life
“How shall I repay the Lord for all the good things God has done for me?”
Psalm 116:12
Stewardship is about how we put to use all that God has given us. If God has entrusted to us every good gift, our time, our abilities, our resources, than “stewardship” is how we manage those resources for the sake of the world. The heart of stewardship is gratitude – a gratitude that overflows into giving as a way of thankfulness for all that God has given us. For most people, when they hear the word “stewardship,” they immediately think “it’s all about the money.” But Stewardship isn’t a scheme to bring in more money or volunteers. It’s not a “program” or a “campaign.” Stewardship is a Way of Life – where stewards start to look at everything good as a gift from God. Stewardship is about giving back. It’s about offering up our grateful hearts to God.
We would hope that you will see that Stewardship is a way of life and that you will think about how to use your gifts of your time, talent and treasure – to give glory to God.
Holy Trinity provides several giving opportunities to match your needs. Regular offerings may be made through gifts received during offering or by signing up for electronic giving through our secure service, Simply Giving.
Charitable Gift Annuities and Legacy Gifts are a way to leave a lasting gift to the community of Holy Trinity.
Thank you for your generous support of God’s mission through Holy Trinity ministries!