Beginning Sunday, Sept 19, 2021, Sunday School is returning in-person, during the 10:30 service. This year there will be two classes, one for students enrolled in Pre-K through 3nd and one for students enrolled in 3rd-6th grades. We will be following CDC and Erie Co. Health and Education Departments Guidelines for COVID as we strive to keep everyone, especially our children safe. As we have done throughout the COVID pandemic, videos and worksheets for each lesson will be available on our website for those who still may not feel comfortable attending in-person; please visit our Children’s Faith Formation page for more info, you can find it by clicking here.

Children’s Time from Sunday, August 23
Pastor Brenda shared a craft during Children’s Time on August 23 to help illustrate that God’s church, God’s community was built on Peter and on us. The craft was provided by our friends at Sparkhouse and let’s you build your own 3-D church. You can find the template here. Be sure to share your churches with us and keep them handy as you never know when you might need to be build up the church!!
Template for 3-D Church

Fall Faith Formation
As we move closer to the program year and opening the church building for worship and other programs, we are still looking at what fall faith formation looks like.
As of now we are still deciding on what children’s faith formation will be, but for confirmation we will be using an online learning platform and doing confirmation virtually until we can meet again in person. There will be a confirmation information meeting via zoom on Sunday, August 16 at 2pm. This is for all parents/guardians and students, both current and incoming. Please use the following link to register for the zoom meeting,

Resources during COVID-19
Sparkhouse FREE Family Sunday School. An 8 week lesson series for families based on Spark:Activate Faith Lectionary
Activity Sheet 1 (Coloring Sheet)
Activity Sheet 2 (Questions for Jesus)
Activity Sheet 3 (Doubting Thomas Story)